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(click arrows, on sides, to see all Herb products)

 Steel Herb .Planters: .BasilItalianBasilThai Chives / Garlic-Chives / Cilantro / Dill / Sage.

 .Steel Fleur Planters:  Bergamot / Borage / Calendula / Chamomile / Lavender / Nasturtium.


 Eco .Herb .Planters:  .BasilItalianBasilThai Chives / Garlic-Chives / Cilantro / Dill / Sage.

.Eco.Fleur Planters: . Borage / Calendula / Chamomile / Lavender / Nasturtium.

 Eco Wheatgrass Set:.Month Kit.



About Us 


We are a local Hawai'i Eco-Conscious Company, that gives back to our local community, with a portion of our own proceeds to do just that. Our goal is to enrich the lives of People, Pets, & Earth, while utilizing our natural resources; reducing our carbon footprint where possible, AND to live Happy Organic lifestyles, as nature intended. Aloha


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