By participating and/or purchasing on this site, you agree to the following waiver and disclaimer.
I, _____________ take full & personal responsibility for my health & wellbeing in all physical and otherwise. With respect for myself, I happily accept full responsibility and control of my choices and my health. I understand that Mother Nature Hawaii, makes no claim as experts or medical professionals in any shape or form, nor are their products or information meant to replace any type of medical advice or directly diagnose, treat or cure any physical illnesses, disease, or disorders. Mother Nature Hawaii, does not diagnose, heal, cure, or treat disease. Information and recommendations are based on unique personal experience & intuitive perceptions, and in no way replaces or is a substitute for conventional medical diagnosis and care. For such care you should seek a licensed physician.
I take full responsibility and liability for loss, injury, harm, illness, adverse effects, or damage alleged to have been caused while in association with, or during clients session(s) or classes, on the website, at any other time, or by applying any techniques and information learned from Mother Nature Hawaii LLC or any of their associates or affiliates. By continuing to use information learned during classes, or on the website you agree to fully release, indemnify, and hold harmless, the author, and others associated with this publication of this website and/or during client sessions or classes, from any claim or liability and for any damage or injury of whatsoever type or nature which you may incur arising at any time outside of or in relation to your use of the information given or presented in this website or during client classes/session(s). My heirs, guardians, legal representatives, and I hereby and forever release, waive, and discharge any claims against, Mother Nature Hawaii LLC. If any court of law rules that any part of the Waiver and Disclaimer is invalid, the Waiver and Disclaimer stands as if those parts were struck out. By continuing to use this website, make purchases, and/or participate in classes/client session(s) you agree to the Waiver and Disclaimer.
I have read the above and agree to accept full responsibility for my physical and spiritual health. I look forward to my own journey of self-discovery, for my own health & vitality!